How To Stop Your Cat From Biting?

ThePawz Lab
2 min readMar 15, 2021

Many cats develop a habit of biting. To prevent them from biting, you must first understand the reasons why do cats bite? The reasons for this can be fear, depression or frustration. It’s not that they react out of spite or anger, it is just a symptom of some problem they are suffering from within.

Here are a few proven methods that answer the question, how to stop cats from biting?

Use withdrawal techniques if necessary

Withdrawal technique is where you withdraw from your cat's favourite activity whenever it bites. During a play session if your cat bites you, withdraw from the session for some time. If your cat bites you and her playtime gets over she will quickly learn to stop biting.

Don’t punish or scold your cat for biting you

Scolding or punishing your cat is not a way to go. This behaviour can cause her stress and she can develop fear. This might result in stress-related behaviours like urinating outside of the litter box, or display of aggression toward you and other people.

Spend the Energy

If your cat is biting you it may need to expend more energy and is maybe not getting enough room to play. This is a good time to pull out the laser toys or wands. Let her go around the neighbourhood and you can even take her outdoors if she prefers it.

Train her with positive reinforcement

How to train cats not to bite? Positive reinforcement is a method that works with most pets. If your cat becomes overexcited and attacks your feet when you walk into a room, teach her to sit and reward her for it.

Visit Your Veterinarian

If everything fails, make an appointment with your veterinarian and talk to them about what can be done to prevent this habit. This biting might be an expression of a much serious health problem. It is important that if simple methods do not work, you take her to the vet.

