ThePawz Lab
2 min readDec 29, 2020

If you own a cat, then you probably know that cats are private creatures, they love to be “aloof”. However, when it comes to the bathroom, things get changed. Most cats have an obsession with bathroom. Many cat parents have said that their cats rub on their legs when they are in the bathroom. Some cat parents have witnessed the bathroom disaster when they forgot to lock it while going outside. Whereas, some cats meow outside the closed door when they are inside the bathroom. Have you wondered why do these privacy loving creatures don’t give us the same thing in return when it is much needed? Here are the top three reasons why do cats love bathroom so much:

Bathroom — A great place to play

If you see from your feline friend’s perspective, the bathroom is a playroom. It has some many things to play such as bathtub to spin, toilet paper rolls to play with, towels and robes. Furthermore, they perhaps love to roll around on the floor and play with the bathmat. Many cat parents have learned the hard way when they get home to find a cat’s mess in the bathroom.


Just like every pet, cats love the attention too. We love to pet our fur baby when she rubs on our legs when we are on the toilet seat. Since cats are known for their intelligence, they knew that we are trapped in there for a couple of minutes and they will get our complete attention.

Sink — Cat bed

Cats love to lounge and sleep in the sink. The round shape of sinks makes them perfect cat beds, as it perfectly cradles the cat’s body. Besides this, they enjoy the coolness of it in warm weather, whereas in cold months their body heat warms up the sink and provide them cosiness. furthermore, cats love to lick water droplets off the faucet when lounging in the sink.

